Saturday, June 30, 2012

June night

Photobucket Sometimes it's not everything about fashion, it's just about having a lot of fun with the people you love. These photo's were taken at Denis's birthday party two days ago.
Anyway i'll let the photos speak for themselves.
I was wearing: Hermes trifted purse, H&M pants, La strada Heels, Katerinimu Necklace, no name blouse, H&M Bracelet.
Love, Gabriela
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Friday, June 29, 2012

Castiga o invitatie pentru 2 persoane la "Colour Infusion Fashion Show"

*Sorry guys, only for romanian readers.


Miercuri 4 iulie 2012, va avea loc lansarea primei colectii de moda a tanarului designer roman, Sorina Banica.
Colectia "Celebration of Summer and Happiness", contine 9 piese si se adreseaza femeilor puternice, dinamice, vesele care isi doresc de fiecare data sa iasa din tipare si sa fie unice.
Evenimentul "Colour Infusion " de lansare a colectiei sub brandul E.Thula,isi doreste sa sfideze prezentarile de moda clasice, sobre si rigide si va invita sa va bucurati de un eveniment plin de culoare ce va avea loc incepand cu 19:30 la Penthouse Gallery
In perioada 29 iunie- 4 iulie 2012, Sweet as paprika impreuna cu E.Thula va invita la un concurs.

Pentru a castiga o invitatie pentru 2 persoane la acest eveniment trebuie sa:
1.Dai like paginii E.Thula pe facebook.
2.Dai like paginii Sweet as paprika pe facebook & become a follower of my blog.
3.Spune-mi ce look ai vrea sa abordezi pentru acest eveniment.Descrie-mi putin tinuta. Premiul va fi acordat prin tragere la sorti si anuntat pe 3 iulie. Succes!

Click for more sweet paprika

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Victoria 46 moved, so did fashion

Photobucket For my international followers:
Two days ago i was very happy to be invited by Ramona Barbu to the fabulous opening of the new Victoria 46 multibrand shop. I have to tell you that i took this invitation as a gift for my 21 birthday, that i celebrated the day before.
I could describe this event in 5 words: beautiful people, high-fashion, martini, good music and fantastic white atmosphere.
I was accompanied by my love, Patrick and as you're going to see in this photos, we had a great time!!
I was wearing: Orsay Dress, Parfois Heels, Sophie Handbags clutch.
Gabriela Photobucket Magazinul multibrand Victoria 46, acum pe Calea Dorobanti nr. 126, este de azi deschis publicului. Lansarea oficiala a noului Victoria 46 a avut loc pe 26 iunie, in cadrul unui eveniment cu totul special. Invitatii au fost intampinati in noul spatiu cu muzica lui Tom Wilson si s-au bucurat de un tur personalizat al magazinului. Cei prezenti s-au declarat impresionati de noua locatie si mai ales de conceptul de design ales. Arh. Marius Calin de la ZIP&BDX Studio a fost responsabil de proiect, iar propunerea sa, aceea a unui spatiu minimalist bazat pe principiul less is more, s-a dovedit a fi ideala. In ceea ce priveşte noile colectii, Victoria 46 ramane fidel brandurilor high-end, la care adauga o selectie de designeri noi precum DSQUARED2, Zadig & Voltaire sau Diane von Furstenberg, care pana acum se regaseau doar în portofoliul magazinului Day&Night. Photobucket Photobucket
Planurile de viitor includ integrarea conceptului de department store cu un sistem shop in shop pentru patru dintre cele mai importante branduri din portofoliul Victoria 46, veste care i-a bucurat pe cunoscatori. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket „Deschiderea aceasta este un pas foarte important pentru noi pentru ca locatia ne permite o noua abordare a conceptului de multibrand. Vom include în portofoliul magazinului si branduri noi, casual, care sa completeze selectia exclusivista de branduri precum Christian Dior, Lanvin, Stella McCartney, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Celine, Balenciaga si Jimmy Choo. Acestea se adreseaza tuturor pasionatilor de moda, indiferent de stilul pe care il prefera - clasic sau nonconformist. Cel mai probabil spre sfarsitul acestui an vom definitiva si planurile de a include conceptul shop in shop în Victoria 46”, a declarat Andreea Altay, Executive Board Member, High Fashion Concept. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket photo credit: Victoria 46 official & Remus Achim
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Monday, June 18, 2012

Peplum blouse and a 60's dress

Photobucket Today i wanted to show you other looks i styled with items from Sweet as Paprika collection.
I designed the peplum blouse and the 60's dress especially for and you can purchase them only online.
I was wearing: Sophie handbag, New Look pants, Zega heels and my own designed peplum blouse.
Hope you enjoyed this post!
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Click for more sweet paprika

Monday, June 11, 2012

Business look

Photobucket Hi there guys,
Today i decided to get a business look so i've chosen to wear this high-shouldered jumpsuit that i simply adore.
It's definitely one of my greatest purchases from Depot 96 store.
P.S the photos were made this morning sorry for my sleepy look:))
I was wearing: Depot 96 Jumpsuit, Vintage heels, Black Leather Clutch, Silver braceletes. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
Click for more sweet paprika

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I blame Audrey!

Photobucket Few days ago, i was very happy to be photographed by Diana L.Barbu,- you can see more of her "artwork"(as she calls it )-> here :
I decided to wear for this photoshooting a 50's inspired look - the decade that influenced a lot my style, so far - as i wanted to show exactly who i am in this photos.
Also i have to admit that I Blame Audrey for this look.
I felt wonderful working with Diana and i had a great time.
Hope you liked it!
Thanks to Diana once again<3
I was wearing: 50's vintage dotted dress, vintage italian sunglasses, vintage clips i found in paris, Trifted Bag from Vancouver, and Donna Lisa Tucci heels.
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Click for more sweet paprika

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dress from Sweet as Paprika collection only for

Photobucket I'm so sorry for NOT posting for weeks.... but i've got a lot of work to do. I was working for the Sweet as Paprika by Gabriela Atanasov ,collection which is going to be available soon on This is one of the dresses i designed. I used a lot of colours, pastels, dots, and flowers for this collection as i wanted to show you exactly what "sweet as paprika's" style is about.
I would like to thank Katerinimou hand-made necklaces, and Sophie bags for the accessories and all the guys that helped me to create this collection.
Photo: Patrick Popa
Make-up : Luminita Arghire
Co-Model : Cristina Branza
And also to the team.
With all my Love,
Gabriela Atanasov
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Click for more sweet paprika


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